Sometimes I try to convince myself that I should be photographing more meaningful things, developing a personal style or conveying a message. To move beyond snapshots and into one of the "real" photographic genres like urban landscapes or street photography. But whenever I hear people who know talk about creating photogrphic works, the common piece of advise always seems to be to photograph what you know or what you have a passion for. So it would be an empty pursuit for me to photograph subjects I don't really care about just to participate in genres that other people deem worthwhile. And the more I think about my photographs, the more I realize that I already take pictures of what I care about, my friends and family. They may not be of interest to a very wide audience like other subjects would be, but they are of interest to me. And if pictures like the one above are the only ones that I end up making, then I will have a happy photographic career.
With a portfolio-full of pictures as sharp and beautiful as that one, most photographers would consider themselves lucky...happy. I would.